
We use the default Tailwind CSS config to help control the layouts within your application.

This gives you un-opinionated granular control over your application, making the smallest of tweaks with ease.

There are 3 ways you can manage the CSS processing.

Laravel Mix

If you are also using Tailwind for your project then you might face certain conflicts as Mix doesn't have the ability to process 2 different Tailwind configs, read our Tailstrom section to find out how to solve this.

Maelstrom uses PostCSS (as this powers Tailwind) which means you'll need to process your CSS somehow, the easiest way is via Laravel Mix by using the following snippet (taken from the Tailwind website)

mix.postCss('node_modules/maelstrom/css/maelstrom.css', 'public/css', [

This will save the maelstrom.css to public/css/maelstrom.css which is the default within the config/maelstrom.php - You can change both of these to what ever suits you.

Tailstrom (Quick Start)

Resolving conflicts with multiple Tailwind configs and Laravel Mix

By default Tailwind doesn't need a config file published, it will use the defaults. This is what we use - but if your project has a Tailwind config then when you compile Maelstrom it will include your custom config instead.

To resolve this issue, we provide a standalone CSS compiler which just imports Tailwind and exports it to a file. You can either export this file and have Mix process it again e.g. to use mix.version() or you can leave the file as it is.

To export the CSS you can run

npx tailstrom -o public/css/maelstrom.css

You have 2 other additional options (type npx tailstrom --help for full listing)

# Pass in a custom Tailwind config
npx tailstrom -c tailwind.backend.js

You can also choose not to minify the CSS with

# Disable minification
npx tailstrom --minify=false

Once your CSS has exported everything else should be as normal, you can leave the React entries within your Mix config.