Panel API

The main powerhouse behind a controller is the \Maelstrom\Panel::class class.

It is designed in such a way to be as flexible as humanly possible, everything has been designed with public visibility, allowing you to easily call or modify anything you need.

The composition of the class is based round a God Object/Class architecture, which some might see as a bad decision, however unlike other systems which either extend other classes, use traits, or break out entities into smaller classes, we keep everything in a single place making it much easier for developers to change what they need.

To find out various ways of making modifications to our panel you can read our related docs.

 * When displaying the name of resource, we use this field.
 * @var string
public $nameField = 'name';

 * This houses the name of the entity to display, e.g. "User"
 * We try calculate this from the class name if you don't supply one.
 * @var string
public $entityName;

 * An instance of the query builder for the provided model,
 * this is what all the queries are executed against.
 * @var Builder
public $query;

 * When editing - this is populated with the
 * entry via the setEntry() method - When it's empty
 * we assume we're not editing.
 * @var Model
public $entry;

 * An instance of the Illuminate request,
 * this houses things such as active filters, uploaded files etc.
 * We do modify this occasionally so if you also need to mutate it
 * make sure you use the instance on the panel e.g. $panel->request
 * @var Request
public $request;

 * When on the index page or in the trash, this is how many
 * items will show per page.
 * It's over written via the "per_page" query string.
 * @var int
public $perPage = 10;

 * When populated is an object containing a column and search query via the query string "search".
 * { "query": "mr jones", "column" => "name" }
 * @var object|null
public $search = null;

 * When populated is an object of filters that are enabled via the query string "filters".
 * { "": [2], "year": [2003] }
 * Filtering of the query must be handled by you via the setFilterHandler() method.
 * @var object|null
public $filters = null;

 * When populated is an object containing the sorting configuration via the query string "sort"
 * { "column": "name", "direction" => "ascend" }
 * @var object|null
public $sort = null;

 * When no sort order is defined via the query string, you can fall back to a default
 * sorting, which is defined by ->setDefaultSorting('name', 'desc')
 * @var string|null
public $defaultSortColumn = null;

 * Sets the direction of ordering when using ->setDefaultSorting();
 * @var string
public $defaultSortDirection = 'asc';

 * If this is set to true - the queries get scoped
 * to only showing the items in the trash. Normally only used
 * when the model uses the SoftDeletes trait.
 * @var bool
public $inTrash = false;

 * Flags if this entity uses the SoftDeletes trait,
 * if it doesn't - then certain features are hidden like the trash.
 * @var bool
public $isTrashable = false;

 * This contains an index of all the named
 * routes for the entity e.g. "page.update".
 * @var array
public $routes;

 * As filter logic is unique to each database structure, you must create the filter
 * logic yourself, we pass you all the data you need once you define a setFilterHandler().
 * @var Closure|null
public $filterHandler = null;

 * We provide basic "LIKE" search - however if you need a more advance search
 * you can provide one via the setSearchHandler method.
 * @var Closure|null
public $searchHandler = null;

 * We provide a simple file uploader, however if you need more configuration
 * you can define your own via setUploadHandler.
 * @var Closure|null
public $uploadHandler = null;

 * We provide a simple image manipulator, however if you need more configuration
 * you can define your own via setImageProcessingHandler.
 * @var Closure|null
public $imageProcessingHandler = null;

 * You can define a one-off hook to execute before
 * the data is passed to the save methods allowing you a final
 * opportunity to manipulate data.
 * @var Closure|null
public $beforeSave;

 * When building the index page and displaying the table, you might want to show
 * customised or specific data in the tables, you can provide a data transformer which
 * takes each model and returns the data you want to display on the table.
 * It's common to use a Laravel Resource to do this via the setEntriesTransformer method.
 * @var Closure|null
public $entriesTransformer = null;

 * Sometimes a full entry transformer is overkill, and you just want some
 * extra attributes added before the view is rendered, this is useful if you have
 * accessors that you want to add to the serialisation process e.g.
 * $category->post_count = $category->posts->count();
 * @var array
public $with = [];

 * Any names of relationships defined here will be eager loaded
 * on the index page. e.g. $panel->setEagerLoad(['categories', 'tags'])
 * @var array
public $eagerLoad = [];

 * A key/value map defined via setRelationships(), this maps the name
 * of posted data to the name of a relationship method
 * e.g. "category_id" => "category" will populate any data within the $request->get('category_id')
 * into the relationship "category()" on your model.
 * @var array
public $relationships = [];

 * Contains mapping of form fields to upload configurations. e.g.
 * setUploadables([
 *     'avatar' => [
 *          'disk' => 'public',
 *          'path' => 'avatars',
 *          'resize' => [400, 400],
 *          'crop' => [400, 400],
 *     ],
 *     'gallery' => [
 *          'disk' => 'public',
 *          'path' => '',
 *          'resize' => [2000, 2000],
 *          'crop' => false,
 *     ]
 *     'downloads' => [
 *          'disk' => 'public',
 *          'path' => 'files',
 *     ]
 * ]);
 * @var array
public $uploadables = [];

 * When a file has been uploaded during the "update" or "store"
 * process, we cache them into this array for retrieval.
 * It contains the final saved path of the uploaded file.
 * @var array
public $uploaded = [];

 * Can be used to house the index table heading configuration.
 * This is optional, just make sure you pass a $columns to the table component.
 * @var array
public $tableHeadings = [];

 * Stores the start of the breadcrumb trail, e.g if you have an admin area
 * that you want all breadcrumbs prefixed with you can set it here.
 * By default you can set this in the maelstrom.php config in the following format.
 * [
 *    [ "label" => "Maelstrom", "route" => "/" ],
 *    [ "label" => "Admin", "route" => "/admin" ]
 * ]
 * @var array
public $breadcrumbRoot = [];

 * @param Builder|string $model
 * @param Request $request
 * @throws BindingResolutionException
public function __construct($model, Request $request = null)

 * Takes either an instance of the query builder from a model
 * or the name of a class to instantiate e.g. App\Page::class
 * All queries/logic will hang of this model.
 * @param $modelOrQueryBuilder
 * @return Panel
 * @throws BindingResolutionException|InvalidArgumentException
public function setupModel($modelOrQueryBuilder): Panel

 * Configures and parses the query strings for various things such
 * as filters, items per page etc.
 * @return $this
public function setupQueryStrings(): Panel

 * Sets the entity name automatically to the class name
 * however, to overwrite this just call setEntityName() yourself.
 * @return $this
public function setupEntityName(): Panel

 * Tries to guess the route mapping from the class name.
 * This is unlikely to be write for a lot of the time.
 * So just call setRoutes() yourself if you need.
 * @param null $prefix
 * @return $this
public function setupRoutes($prefix = null): Panel

 * Attempts to enable the withTrashed model scope if needed.
 * @return $this
public function setupTrash(): Panel

 * Sets the initial breadcrumb root.
 * @return $this
public function setupBreadcrumbs(): Panel

 * Allows you to handle the uploads yourself, if you provide a handler
 * "handleUploadables()" will not get called.
 * Your closure will receive:
 * closure($files, $uploadMappings, $entry, $panel)
 * You just need to pass back an array of uploaded paths to save in the database.
 * @param $handler
 * @return Panel
public function setUploadHandler($handler): Panel

 * If you want a custom image processor uploading, you can pass a closure
 * in here and we'll execute this instead of "handleUploadedImage".
 * You just need to return back the Image instance itself once you're done.
 * @param $handler
 * @return Panel
public function setImageProcessingHandler($handler): Panel

 * Defines the function which should be used to filter the
 * entries for the index page.
 * @param Closure $handler
 * @return Panel
public function setFilterHandler(Closure $handler): Panel

 * This isn't used by default - but if you need a custom search
 * handler, you can define one here.
 * @param Closure $handler
 * @return Panel
public function setSearchHandler(Closure $handler): Panel

 * Sets the function which is used to transform each entry
 * before it is returned to the table on the index.
 * @param Closure $transformer
 * @return Panel
public function setEntriesTransformer(Closure $transformer): Panel

 * Sets the default routes to display at the start of all breadcrumbs.
 * @param array $routes
 * @return Panel
public function setBreadcrumbRoot(array $routes): Panel

 * Defines the relationships to use during "handleRelationships". Should be a mapping of
 * request field name -> relationship method on the model. e.g.
 * setRelationships([
 *      'category_id' => 'category',
 *      'tags' => 'tags',
 * ])
 * Will eventually execute:
 * $entry->category()->associate($request->get('category_id'))
 * and
 * $entry->tags()->sync($request->get('tags'))
 * @param array $relationships
 * @return Panel
public function setRelationships(array $relationships = []): Panel

 * Defines the relationships to eager load on the index page.
 * @param array $relationships
 * @return Panel
public function setEagerLoad(array $relationships): Panel

 * Defines the currently active entry, normally you call this
 * at the start of your edit methods to load the model into Maelstrom.
 * @param Model $entry
 * @return Panel
public function setEntry(Model $entry): Panel

 * Sets how many items per page should be displayed.
 * @param int $perPage
 * @return Panel
public function setPerPage(int $perPage): Panel
 * Stores the configuration mapping for your uploadables.
 * Only fields defined in here will get excluded from basic casting
 * to the database on save, if you don't define them here likely
 * your database will end up with paths such as "/tmp/php/dhHytsoqk23jd" inside.
 * It should be used in a way similar to
 * setUploadables([
 *     'avatar' => [
 *          'disk' => 'public',
 *          'path' => 'avatars',
 *          'resize' => [400, 400],
 *          'crop' => [400, 400],
 *     ],
 *     'gallery' => [
 *          'disk' => 'public',
 *          'path' => '',
 *          'resize' => false,
 *          'crop' => false,
 *     ]
 *     'downloads' => [
 *          'disk' => 'public',
 *          'path' => 'files',
 *     ]
 * ]);
 * @param array $uploadables
 * @return Panel
public function setUploadables(array $uploadables): Panel

 * If the route guessing doesn't work you can define them explicitly.
 * @param $routes
 * @return $this
public function setRoutes($routes): Panel

 * Sets which attribute should be used as the main name of a single entity.
 * @param string $nameField
 * @return Panel
public function setNameField(string $nameField): Panel

 * Allows you to explicitly define the name of the entity you're using.
 * You should always provide the singular version e.g. "Page" NOT "Pages"
 * When you request back the entity name via "getEntityName" you have the option
 * to pluralise it then.
 * @param string $entityName
 * @return Panel
public function setEntityName(string $entityName): Panel

 * Allows you to define all the table headings for the index view.
 * This is optional - However just make sure you provide $columns to the table component.
 * @param array $tableHeadings
 * @return Panel
public function setTableHeadings(array $tableHeadings): Panel

 * A simple helper function which takes the entity named defined
 * by "setEntityName" and either returns it, or pluralises it.
 * Used on various things such as breadcrumbs, page titles etc.
 * @param bool $asPlural
 * @return string
public function getEntityName(bool $asPlural = false): string

 * Returns a list of the user defined breadcrumbs with the root
 * breadcrumbs appended to the start.
 * @param array $crumbs
 * @return array
public function getBreadcrumbs(array $crumbs = []): array

 * If we've loaded an entry via setEntry() e.g. on the edit page
 * then we can get an instance of the entry back.
 * If we haven't this will return null - so we know if we're editing or not.
 * @return Model
public function getEntry(): ?Model

 * If an entry is loaded, it will return the primary key for it.
 * @return string|null
public function getEntryId(): ?string

 * Displays the name of the entry as defined by the $this->nameField
 * used in places such as the page title when editing.
 * @return string|null
public function getEntryName(): ?string

 * Returns a list of entries for the table view,
 * it applies all eager loaded relationships, sorting, filtering etc.
 * @return LengthAwarePaginator
public function getEntries(): LengthAwarePaginator

 * The straight forward getter to return the defined eager loaded relationships from setEagerLoad.
 * Everything stored within here will get attached to the getEntries query.
 * @return array
public function getEagerLoad(): array

 * The straight forward getter to return the defined relationships from setRelationships.
 * Everything stored within here will get mapped up during "handleRelationships()"
 * @return array
public function getRelationships(): array

 * Returns a fully resolved URL for a default resourceful controller route.
 * @param string $action
 * @param $entry
 * @return string
public function getRoute(string $action, $entry = null): string

 * Returns an array of routes pre-populated for each entry.
 * We do this in PHP as the javascript doesn't know where to go.
 * @param $entry
 * @return array
public function getRoutes($entry = 'placeholder'): array

 * Returns an array of data from the POST/PUT request
 * it only extracts data from the request which has been defined
 * as $fillable on the model. So if you're one of those crazy people who
 * like to un-guard everything, there's no place for you here.
 * If any uploaded files have been attached, it also merges those into the data.
 * @return array
public function getFillableData(): array

 * The straight forward getter to return the defined
 * attributes to append from setWithAttributes();
 * @return array
public function getWithAttributes(): array

 * Returns back the configuration mapping provided by "setUploadables()"
 * @return array
public function getUploadables(): array

 * Returns the raw path for an uploaded file by the field name in the request,
 * if it's an array of files you'll get a merged array of the old files with new files.
 * e.g. it turns
 * Request([
 *    "gallery": [
 *       UploadedFile,
 *       UploadedFile,
 *       "",
 *       "",
 *    ]
 * ])
 * into
 * Request([
 *    "gallery": [
 *      "storage/gallery/image1.jpg",
 *      "storage/gallery/image2.jpg",
 *      "storage/gallery/image3.jpg",
 *      "storage/gallery/image4.jpg",
 *   ]
 * ])
 * @param $field
 * @param $data
 * @return array|string $mixed
public function getUploadedFiles(string $field, $data): string | array

 * Returns a list of columns from the db table.
 * @return array
public function getColumns(): array

 * Returns the name of the attribute used for the main name of a single entity.
 * @return string
public function getNameField(): string

 * Returns how many items per page should be shown.
 * @return int
public function getPerPage(): int

 * If you've used setTableHeadings() then you can get them back!
 * We call this within the index() method to define which headings to display on the table,
 * it normally populates the $columns variable for the index view.
 * @return array
public function getTableHeadings(): array

 * This effectively executes the final query
 * which returns the results after any transformations
 * have been applied.
 * @return LengthAwarePaginator
public function applyPagination(): LengthAwarePaginator

 * Here we apply the transformations to each entry that comes back
 * from the query.
 * We use a custom one "panelRoutes" to know where to send things, however
 * if an additional transformer is supplied via setEntriesTransformer()
 * each item will get passed through this before returning it to the view.
 * @param LengthAwarePaginator $pagination
 * @return LengthAwarePaginator
public function applyTransformations(LengthAwarePaginator $pagination): LengthAwarePaginator

 * Applies any default filters such as trash, then if a filter handler
 * has been defined, will execute that allowing user provided filters to be applied.
 * @return Panel
public function applyFilters(): Panel

 * Takes what was defined by the $sort query string and applies
 * the ordering to the query.
 * We check that the ordering is a valid db column to help prevent any
 * sql injection attempts, as well as manually passing in the direction.
 * If you're going to overwrite this, we recommend you do the same.
 * @return Panel
public function applySorting(): Panel

 * Either applies the default search logic which uses a simple
 * LIKE query, or executes a previously defined searchHandler.
 * @return Panel
public function applySearchQuery(): Panel

 * If we're trying to view a model which has the trait SoftDeletes
 * then the route/model binding will say the model doesn't exist
 * and throws a 404.
 * However we'll still allow users to see it, with a small message to let them know,
 * but to do this we need to overwrite the route binding and add withTrashed()
 * so that it doesn't 404.
 * @return $this
public function applyTrashScope(): Panel

 * Attaches the defined relationships to eager load them
 * This only runs on the getEntries() not getEntry().
 * @return $this
public function applyRelationships(): Panel

 * Lets you know if the current entry is in the trash or not.
 * @return bool
public function isEntryTrashed(): bool

 * Checks if the column exists on the model to help prevent sql injection.
 * @param $column
 * @return bool
public function isValidColumn($column): bool

 * Takes the mappings defined by "setRelationships" looks within the post request
 * for the fields that you've defined e.g "category_id" then it inserts the value
 * provided from the request into the associated relationship e.g. "category()".
 * @return Panel
 * @throws ReflectionException
public function handleRelationships(): Panel

 * Provides access to some default basic bulk actions.
 * @return bool|string
public function handleBulkActions(): string

 * Runs only once, so that files are not uploaded twice.
 * Will either execute your custom "uploadHandler" or...
 * Loops around all of your defined uploadables via "setUploadables" and uploads them
 * to the defined disk within the config, if the file has an image mime type, then
 * it can be passed off to intervention for additional processing.
 * The only updates the "$this->uploaded" array so you can use the data elsewhere.
 * It only gets assigned back to the post data within the "getFillableData()"
 * @return array
public function handleUploadables(): array

 * If the upload is an image, then we can allow for some additional processing.
 * You can overwrite the built in processing by using the "setImageProcessingHandler"
 * and passing in a closure to execute instead, once you pass back the Image.
 * We save it and move on!
 * @param UploadedFile $file
 * @param $config
 * @return string
public function handleUploadedImage(UploadedFile $file, array $config = []): string

 * A basic image processing method, takes an Image object provided by
 * Intervention, and a configuration. Can be used independently from
 * everything else as only uses the data passed in.
 * It's only called if no custom image processor is defined, however if you want
 * to call it in your custom handler, you can do so e.g. $panel->handleImageProcessing($image, $config).
 * @param $image
 * @param $config
 * @return Image
public function handleImageProcessing(Image $image, array $config): Image

 * Defines a single use hook which executes before the data is
 * returned to $entry->fill() - it gives you a final chance
 * to manipulate the data before it goes into the database.
 * You get given a copy of the $data, an instance of the entry if it exists,
 * it might be null if you're not editing! you also get a copy of the request.
 * Finally we give you an instance of the whole panel just in case.
 * Once you've made your changes you must return the $data back
 * otherwise you'll have nothing save.
 * @param Closure $hook
public function beforeSave(Closure $hook)

 * A helper method to return the index view with
 * some basic data attached.
 * You don't need to use this, but the default templates will
 * expect an $entries and $columns variable.
 * @param $view
 * @return View
public function index(string $view): View

 * A helper method to return the view for the create screen.
 * Completely optional, but works for most basic use cases.
 * @param $view
 * @param $formAction
 * @return View
public function create(string $view, $formAction = null): View

 * A simple "store" helper which handles typical relationships and uploads.
 * It also allows you to define a flash message on success.
 * Feel free to extend, or create your version!
 * @param string $successMessage
 * @return Model
 * @throws ReflectionException
public function store(string $successMessage = null): Model

 * A helper method to return the view for the edit screen.
 * Completely optional, but works for most basic use cases.
 * @param $view
 * @param $formAction
 * @return View
public function edit($view, $formAction = null): View

 * A simple "update" helper which handles typical relationships and uploads.
 * It also allows you to define a flash message on success.
 * Feel free to extend, or create your version!
 * @param string $successMessage
 * @return Model
 * @throws ReflectionException
public function update(string $successMessage = null): Model

 * A slightly naughty function for ease of use.
 * This will delete the model that's associated with $this->setEntry()
 * If the model passed in is already deleted, e.g. uses SoftDeletes and you
 * call the method again, it will restore it.
 * @param string|null $successMessage
 * @return Model
 * @throws Exception
public function destroy(string $successMessage = null): Model

 * If you need to return a redirect response for a specific route.
 * @param $routeName
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
public function redirect($routeName)

Custom Handlers on Classes

If you're extending the Maelstrom\Panel::class then instead of using the API to define handlers such as the Filter or Search handler you can define this methods directly on the class e.g.

class PagePanel extends Panel
    public function entriesTransformer()
        // ...
    public function imageProcessingHandler()
        // ...
    public function uploadHandler()
        // ...
    public function filterHandler()
        // ...
    public function searchHandler()
        // ...