Entry Table

The entry table which typically shows from the index index method needs a couple of things:

  • A list of entries to display
  • A configuration of table headings for each column

If you're using the maelstrom::layouts.index template to extend from, the table component will automatically search for the global $entries and $columns variables.

This means you can pass $columns in from a controller if you like, or define them inline, both will work!

public function __construct()
    $this->panel = maelstrom(Page::class)->setTableHeadings([
        // ... columns all here

// or

public function index()
    return view('admin.pages-index', [
        'entries' => $this->panel->getEntries(),
        'columns' => [
            // ... columns all here

// or

public function index()
    return $this->panel->index('admin.pages-index')->with('columns', [
        // ... columns all here

// or

@include('maelstrom::components.table', [
    'columns' => [
        // ... columns here

// or

@include('maelstrom::components.table', [
    'columns' => PagePanel::columns(),

However you pass down $entries and $columns is up to you!

The Entries

The $entries array can be collected however you like, we provide a helper method to collect these via $this->panel->getEntries() which includes various things such as pagination, filtering, searching etc. So if you're going to do this yourself make sure you include this functionality.

If the data you need for each row doesn't belong directly on the model or isn't in the models serialisation method, then you'll need to define a transformer which will return all the data that the table needs to display what you need.

The Columns

The table also needs some $columns - which as previously mentioned can be defined however you like.

This should be an array of other objects/classes/arrays which expose the following properties

You can read about the columns over here.

You're also able to mark columns as searchable by using the searchable and searchColumn props.

Bulk Actions

You're also able to define which bulk actions are available for this panel, to find out more about these please read the documentation.

Trash / Soft Deleted Entries

There is also the ability to show deleted models, which you can read about here.


You'll more than likely want to add some form of actions or buttons across the top, this can easily be done using the buttons slot e.g.

    @include('maelstrom::buttons.button', [
        'url' => route('categories.create'),
        'label' => 'Create Category'

Blank Template


    @include('maelstrom::buttons.button', [
        'url' => route('tags.create'),
        'label' => 'Create Tag'