Fields & Inputs

We have a whole myriad of input fields to help you which you can use out of the box (although you can create your own) many of them follow the same patterns to make it easier for you.

Fields are all added to your form via the blade templates, all within the maelstrom::inputs namespace. These can all be overwritten or extended for your own use.

Required props

Property Description
name The name of the attribute/db column e.g. $post->name would be name.

Optional props

Property Description Default
label The text which displays in the label. name
help Displays a short piece of help text under the input. null
required Adds a red * on the input. false

Whenever an array of options/configurations is passed, we expect a label and value property - of which the value is posted back to the server if selected.

In the below examples, we will omit the required and optional props and only show those specific to the input with an example.


Displays a normal single checkbox, or a group of checkboxes provided by $options which allows multiple selections - occasionally used instead of a select menu.


View: maelstrom::inputs.checkbox

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
options An array of configs for the checkboxes to display. undefined


@include('maelstrom::inputs.checkbox', [
    'options' => [
            'label' => 'Can edit',
            'value' => 'can_edit',
            'label' => 'Can delete',
            'value' => 'can_delete',
    'required' => true,
    'help' => 'Some helpful supporting text.',
    'label' => 'Permissions',
    'name' => 'permissions',

Colour Picker

Sorry we're English, so it's colour in maelstrom world - This component utilises


View: maelstrom::inputs.colour

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
type The type of picker from react-colour Circle
colours An array of hex values which will act as the pre-defined colours to choose from. (as per react-color)


@include('maelstrom::inputs.colour', [
    'type' => 'Circle',
    'colours' => ['#ffffff', '#000000'],

Other type's we accept are:

  • Circle (default)
  • Github
  • Twitter
  • Compact
  • Material
  • Slider
  • Sketch
  • Photoshop
  • Chrome
  • Swatches
  • Block

Date Picker



Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
display_format What format to display the date in - from Moment.js DD/MM/YYYY
save_format What format to display the save in, most likely SQL format YYYY-MM-DD
allow_clear Show a button to clear the input false
show_today Show the button which allows you to pick today false
allow_future Allow dates from the future true
allow_past Allow dates from the past true
disabled_dates An array of YYYY-MM-DD dates to disable. []


@include('', [
    'display_format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY',
    'save_format' => 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    'allow_clear' => true,
    'show_today' => true,
    'allow_future' => true,
    'allow_past' => false,
    'disabled_dates' => [

The save_format and display_format should follow the patterns provided by Moment.js

Date Range Picker


View: maelstrom::inputs.date_range

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
name_start Which attribute to store the start date in
name_end Which attribute to store the end date in
name When in a repeater, which attribute to store the date range in (✅ If in repeater)
display_format What format to display the date in - from Moment.js DD/MM/YYYY
save_format What format to display the save in, most likely SQL format YYYY-MM-DD
allow_clear Show a button to clear the input false
show_today Show the button which allows you to pick today false
allow_future Allow dates from the future true
allow_past Allow dates from the past true
disabled_dates An array of YYYY-MM-DD dates to disable. []
disabled_hours An array of hours in 24h format to disable e.g. [07, 08, 21] []
disabled_minutes An array of minutes to disable e.g. [10, 20, 30] []


@include('maelstrom::inputs.date_range', [

    'name_start' => 'promotion_start',
    'name_end' => 'promotion_end',
    'disabled_dates' => [
    'disabled_hours' => [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
        20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
    'disabled_minutes' => [
        5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55,
    'disabled_minutes' => [
        10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
    'display_format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY',
    'save_format' => 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    'allow_clear' => true,
    'show_today' => true,
    'allow_future' => true,
    'allow_past' => false,

The name_start and name_end properties take the attribute name which should store each time stamp.

If you're using the date_range input within a repeater then you just supply the name property as this will contain an array of the range.

Date Time Picker


View: maelstrom::inputs.date_time

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
display_format What format to display the date in - from Moment.js DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm A
save_format What format to display the save in, most likely SQL format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
allow_clear Show a button to clear the input false
show_today Show the button which allows you to pick today false
allow_future Allow dates from the future true
allow_past Allow dates from the past true
disabled_dates An array of YYYY-MM-DD dates to disable. []
disabled_hours An array of hours in 24h format to disable e.g. [07, 08, 21] []
disabled_minutes An array of minutes to disable e.g. [10, 20, 30] []
disabled_seconds An array of seconds to disable e.g. [10, 20, 30] []


@include('maelstrom::inputs.date_time', [

    'display_format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm A',
    'save_format' => 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
    'disabled_dates' => [
    'disabled_hours' => [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
        20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
    'disabled_minutes' => [
        5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55,
    'disabled_seconds' => [
        10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
    'allow_clear' => true,
    'show_today' => true,
    'allow_future' => true,
    'allow_past' => false,

Time Picker


View: maelstrom::inputs.time

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
display_format What format to display the date in - from Moment.js HH:mm A
save_format What format to display the save in, most likely SQL format HH:mm:ss
allow_clear Show a button to clear the input false
use_12_hours Show a button to clear the input false
hour_step Show a button to clear the input 1
minute_step Show a button to clear the input 10
second_step Show a button to clear the input 10
disabled_hours An array of hours in 24h format to disable e.g. [07, 08, 21] []
disabled_minutes An array of minutes to disable e.g. [10, 20, 30] []
disabled_seconds An array of seconds to disable e.g. [10, 20, 30] []


@include('maelstrom::inputs.time', [
    'use_12_hours' => true,
    'second_step' => 10,
    'minute_step' => 10,
    'hour_step' => 1,
    'display_format' => 'HH:mm A',
    'save_format' => 'HH:mm:ss',
    'disabled_hours' => [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
        20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
    'disabled_minutes' => [
        5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55,
    'disabled_seconds' => [
        10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
    'allow_clear' => true,

File Uploader

If you need to upload a single un-managed file, e.g. a PDF then this will be for you.


View: maelstrom::inputs.file

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
icon The icon to display within the button upload
button The text to display in the button Select file


@include('maelstrom::inputs.file', [
    'icon' => 'upload',
    'button' => 'Attach PDF',

You can pick outlined icon from Ant Design Icons

Make sure you configure your uploadables within your panel as described the Uploadables documentation

Multiple File Uploader

This acts the same as the single file uploader, however will store an array of file paths so make sure your protected $casts is correct.


View: maelstrom::inputs.files

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
icon The icon to display within the button upload
button The text to display in the button Select file
max_items Maximum number of files 1000


@include('maelstrom::inputs.files', [
    'max_items' => 5,
    'icon' => 'upload',
    'button' => 'Browse',

Image Uploader

Very much the same as the file uploader, but support thumbnails.

For the thumbnails to render correctly you'll need to provide the URL to


View: maelstrom::inputs.image

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
icon The icon to display within the button file-image
button The text to display in the button Select image


@include('maelstrom::inputs.image', [
    'icon' => 'file-image',
    'button' => 'Select image',

Make sure you configure your uploadables within your panel as described the Uploadables documentation

Multiple Image Uploader


View: maelstrom::inputs.images

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
icon The icon to display within the button file-image
button The text to display in the button Select images
max_items Maximum number of files 1000


@include('maelstrom::inputs.images', [
    'max_items' => 5,
    'icon' => 'file-image',
    'button' => 'Select images',

Media Manager

For full explanation of the media manager you can refer to the Media Manager Documentation


View: maelstrom::components.media_manager

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
max_items Maximum number of assets 1


@include('maelstrom::components.media_manager', [
    'label' => 'Photo',
    'name' => 'photo',
    'max_items' => 5,

Warning - Notice the media manager is within components not inputs.

When the button is clicked, a Drawer component will open with the media library loaded allowing you to make your selection.

Icon Picker

Not a very helpful field input, but we have it anyway 😃

This lets you pick an icon from the outlined icon collection from Ant Design Icons.


View: maelstrom::inputs.icon

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
icons An array of icon names to limit the selection to. (all ant design icons)


@include('maelstrom::inputs.icon', [
    'icons' => ['file', 'file-image', 'file-pdf'],

You're able to limit / hand-pick the icons you want to make available if you pass in the icon option.

Markdown Editor

We use React MDE for provide markdown editing support and Shadowdown to render it in the preview pane which you can activate by clicking the source code toggle.

View: maelstrom::inputs.markdown


@include('maelstrom::inputs.markdown', [
    // ... nothing special just the defaults.

Number Input


View: maelstrom::inputs.number

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
min Smallest possible number 0
max Biggest possible number 100000
precision How many decimal places 0
step When the up/down is clicked - how much to adjust by. 1


@include('maelstrom::inputs.number', [
    'min' => 10,
    'max' => 1000,
    'precision' => 2,
    'step' => 10,

Algolia Places Lookup

We're using Algolia Places React Wrapper to provide Algolia Places support.



Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
options Plugin options from algolia-places-react []

The options prop takes all the options explained on:


@include('', [
    'options' => [
        'countries' => ['es'],
        'clientOptions' => [
            // ...
        'autocompleteOptions' => [
            // ...

Radio Buttons

When you need to enable only a single choice from some options, radios are often useful.



Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
options An array of configs for the radios to display. undefined


@include('', [
    'options' => [
            'label' => 'Yes',
            'value' => 1,
            'label' => 'No',
            'value' => 0,

Text Input

The text input powers several other inputs, allowing them to inherit certain other properties.


View: maelstrom::inputs.text

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
html_type Change the html type attribute e.g. url or email text
autocomplete Change the html autocomplete attribute e.g. new-password null
readonly Set the field to readonly undefined
disabled Set the field to disabled undefined
allow_clear Show a button to clear the fields value true
prefix Text to show at the start of the text input null
prefix_icon Icon to show at the start of the text input from ant design icons null
suffix Text to show at the end of the text input null
suffix_icon Icon to show at the end of the text input from ant design icons null
addon_before Adds a block in front of the input with this text null
addon_before_icon Adds a block in front of the input with this icon null
addon_after Adds a block after of the input with this text null
addon_after_icon Adds a block after of the input with this icon null


@include('maelstrom::inputs.text', [
    'html_type' => 'url',
    'autocomplete' => 'new-password',
    'allow_clear' => true,
    'prefix' => '$',
    'prefix_icon' => 'credit-card'
    'suffix' => 'mph',
    'suffix_icon' => 'car',
    'addon_before' => '$',
    'addon_before_icon' => 'credit-card',
    'addon_after' => 'mph',
    'addon_after_icon' => 'car',

There is a known issue with ant design regarding including allow_clear = true with suffix and suffix_icon which makes their alignments wonky.

Text Area Input

You can enable "text area mode" on the maelstrom::inputs.text component by passing the html_type as textarea.


View: maelstrom::inputs.text

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
html_type Set this to textarea text
auto_size Takes the configuration for the automatic sizing (shown below). false


@include('maelstrom::inputs.text', [
    'html_type' => 'textarea',
    'auto_size' => [
        'minRows' => 5,
        'maxRows' => 50,

The auto_size property allows the text area to automatically grow with the content added within the defined constraints.

Random String Generator

Sometimes it can be useful to generate random strings e.g. for API keys or passwords.


View: maelstrom::inputs.random

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
length What length string should be generated? 32
charset Which characters could be included in the random string. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


@include('maelstrom::inputs.random', [
    'length' => 20,
    'charset' => '0123456789',

And all the options from the text input.

Star Rating


View: maelstrom::inputs.rating

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
count Max allowed stars to be picked 5
character Displays a text character instead of the star icon undefined
icon The icon to display as the star ⭐️
colour The colour of the icon when selected #f6da4d
allow_half Allow half star ratings false
allow_clear Allow the rating to be clicked again to clear false

If you define the character prop it will overwrite the icon prop.


@include('maelstrom::inputs.rating', [
    'count' => 8,
    'allow_half' => true,
    'character' => '$',
    'icon' => 'home',
    'colour' => '#ff0000',
    'allow_clear' => true,

Secret / Password Field

Although not recommended for setting users passwords, this can be used for secretive information such as private keys.


View: maelstrom::inputs.secret


@include('maelstrom::inputs.secret', [
    // ... those from the text input.

Select Menu

Select menu can be used for a variety of things, commonly used for relationships.

If you're using it for relationships you can enable the create button feature to create items on the fly.


More Reading: Use the Form Options API to fetch remote data.


Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
allow_clear Allow the input to be reset with a clear button true
show_search Allows the user to use an autocomplete to filter results true
options An array of options to choose from undefined
remote_uri A url to fetch options from undefined (✅ If using create_button)
create_button Displays a create button to live create resources. (See Nested resources) false


@include('', [
    'allow_clear' => true,
    'show_search' => true,
    'options' => [
            'label' => 'Books',
            'value' => 1,
            'label' => 'Food',
            'value' => 2,
            'label' => 'Sports',
            'value' => 3,
    'remote_uri' => route('maelstrom.form-options', 'categories'), // Uses the form options API.
    'create_button' => [
        'url' => route('categories.create'),
        'icon' => 'plus',
        'text' => 'Create',
        'style' => 'primary',
        'size' => 'large',

If you want to use the inline "Create" button - you must define a remote_uri to fetch the updated entries from - usually from the Form Options API.

Multiple Select Menu

The multiple select is identical to a single select, but just allows multiple options to be selected and stored as an array.


View: maelstrom::inputs.select_multiple

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
allow_clear Allow the input to be reset with a clear button true
show_search Allows the user to use an autocomplete to filter results true
options An array of options to choose from undefined
remote_uri A url to fetch options from undefined (✅ If using create_button)
create_button Displays a create button to live create resources. (See Nested resources) false


@include('maelstrom::inputs.select_multiple', [
    // ... same as single select

You can also use the Form Options API and the Create button.


The tagging input works the same as the multiple select, however it allows users to enter values that do not yet exist.

By default when picking an existing item from the list it will provide back the value from the supplied options, most likely a primary key.

When the user creates a new tag, you'll get posted the string value so you can handle it.

If you want to make sure you always get the label value you can set save_labels to true.


View: maelstrom::inputs.tags

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
allow_wild_values Allows you display items within the input that do not exist in the options array. false
save_labels Sends the label value to the backend rather than the value field. false
allow_clear Allow the input to be reset with a clear button true
show_search Allows the user to use an autocomplete to filter results true
options An array of options to choose from undefined
remote_uri A url to fetch options from undefined (✅ If using create_button)
create_button Displays a create button to live create resources. (See Nested resources) false


@include('maelstrom::inputs.tags', [
    'options' => [
            'label' => 'health',
            'value' => 1,
            'label' => 'happiness',
            'value' => 2,
            'label' => 'wisdom',
            'value' => 3,
    'allow_wild_values' => true,
    'save_labels' => true,

Transfer / Relationship

This is the recommended input to use when you need to present the user with lots of options which can be attached to give greater visibility, e.g. Product Specs.


More Reading: Use the Form Options API to fetch remote data.

View: maelstrom::inputs.transfer

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
options An array of options to choose from undefined
remote_uri A url to fetch options from undefined (✅ If using create_button)
create_button Displays a create button to live create resources. (See Nested resources) false


@include('maelstrom::inputs.transfer', [
    'options' => [
            'label' => 'Books',
            'value' => 1,
            'label' => 'Food',
            'value' => 2,
            'label' => 'Sports',
            'value' => 3,
    'remote_uri' => route('maelstrom.form-options', 'categories'), // Uses the form options API.
    'create_button' => [
        'url' => route('categories.create'),
        'icon' => 'plus',
        'text' => 'Create',
        'style' => 'primary',
        'size' => 'large',

If you want to use the inline "Create" button - you must define a remote_uri to fetch the updated entries from - usually from the Form Options API.

Video (Vimeo and YouTube)

You can provide any URL that the oEmbed spec supports and it will automatically fetch the video data and store a JSON object with some useful information in.



Additional properties

This field extends the TextInput which means it supports most of the same props.


Both Vimeo and YouTube will return the following in a standardised format - so makes sure you cast your model to object for this attribute e.g.

    "title":"4K Wild Animals - Africa, Mana Pools National Park with Nature Sounds - 4 HRS"
@include('', [
    //... TextInput props.

If you have a CSP, make sure is whitelisted for connect-src.


We use React Prosemirror with a basic WYSIWYG configuration - You can extend this component and replace it with your own if you want more customisation.

View: maelstrom::inputs.wysiwyg


When toggling between source code mode it will render another editor provided by React Ace Editor to fine tune the content.


@include('maelstrom::inputs.wysiwyg', [
    //... Nothing fancy, just the basic options defined at the start.

Switch w/ Visibility Toggle

For boolean style fields we have the toggle switch component, which has the ability to adjust the visibility of other fields.


View: maelstrom::inputs.switch

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
on_value What value should be returned when the switch is on 1
off_value What value should be returned when the switch is off 0
on_text What text to display when the switch is on null
off_text What text to display when the switch is off null
on_icon What icon to display when the switch is on null
off_icon What icon to display when the switch is off null
hide_on Hide other fields when the switch is on (see below) []
hide_off Hide other fields when the switch is off (see below) []

If an _icon prop is defined this overwrites any _text props set.


@include('maelstrom::inputs.switch', [
    'on_value' => 1,
    'off_value' => 0,
    'on_text' => 'on',
    'off_text' => 'off',
    'on_icon' => 'home',
    'off_icon' => null,
    'hide_off' => [],
    'hide_on' => [
        'featured_image', 'featured_headline',

Toggling field visibility

The hide_on and hide_off props accept an array of other inputs which should be hidden when the switch is either turned on or off. You should pass in the name of the attribute you want to hide e.g.

@include('maelstrom::inputs.switch', [
    'name' => 'is_featured',
    'hide_off' => ['featured_image'],

// This field is hidden whilst the switch is turned off.
@include('maelstrom::inputs.image', [
    'name' => 'featured_image',

Repeatable Inputs

We also have the ability to create repeatable field sets which store as JSON.

You can read in full detail on the Repeatable Inputs Documentation.


View: maelstrom::components.repeater

Additional properties

Property Description Default Required
max_items The maximum number if children 100
min_items The minimum number if children 0
button Label to display on the button Item
fields An array of field configurations to display undefined


You must define a fields array which takes a list of inputs that you want to include, with the addition of the component property which defines which input to include.

@include('maelstrom::components.repeater', [
    'max_items' => 5,
    'min_items' => 1,
    'button' => 'Player',
    'fields' => [
            'component' => 'text',
            'name' => 'name',
            'component' => 'date',
            'name' => 'date',
            'component' => 'rating',
            'name' => 'rank',
            'component' => 'media_manager',
            'name' => 'photo',

As repeaters are pure JSON, they cannot accept file uploads currently, however you can still use the Media Manager.

Nested Resources

As mentioned in previous input fields we have the currently have the ability to create nested / related resources on the fly by a pull out drawer.

You're able to attach the create button to most multi-choice inputs, e.g. Selects, Transfers etc. via the create_button property.

This property is explained on the Nested Resources Documentation.

Custom Inputs / Fields

Creating your own input is incredibly easy, you can pretty much do this however you like, the only prerequisite is that you populate a named input within the form (usually type="hidden") so that it is available within $request->all().

How the value gets into the input is up to you.

If you're creating a re-usable component, our recommendation would be to follow the same patterns as we've already presented to allow a more consistent interface, this would mean your field should accept:

  • name
  • label
  • help
  • required

If you need to create a javascript component then you'll need to do a few things...

  1. Create your component
  2. Register your component
  3. Use it!

Below is an example...

Create your component

import React from 'react'
import { Form } from 'antd'
import ParseProps from '@maelstrom-ui/support/ParseProps'

export default class MyCustomInput extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        // ParseProps is a helper which handles parsing and default values from prop data.
        this.required = ParseProps(props, 'required', false)
        this.state = {
            value: props.value,
    onChange = (value) => {
            value: value,
    render() {
        return (
                label={ this.props.label }
                validateStatus={ this.props.error ? 'error' : null }
                help={ this.props.error || }
                required={ this.required }
                    name={ }
                    value={ this.state.value }
                 * make sure to update the state e.g. `onChange()`

This will work for most forms, however if your field needs to work within the repeater then you'll need to make sure it accepts the onChange prop and use that instead of the hidden field.

You can do this in your change handler e.g.

onChange = (value) => {
    if (this.props.onChange) {

        value: value,

Then just make sure your hidden input doesn't render e.g.

{ !this.props.onChange && <input
    name={ }
    value={ this.state.value }
/> }

Register your component

Depending on your setup, the below might change - however for example purposes we'll assume you're using Mix.

Firstly you'll need to import your component into the entry file e.g. maelstrom.js

  1. Edit resources/js/maelstrom.js (or what ever your entry file is which runs require('@maelstrom-cms/toolkit');)
  2. Import the component registry
  3. Register your component
import Registry from '@maelstrom-cms/toolkit/js/support/Registry'
import MyComponent from './MyCustomInput.js'

    MyCustomInput: MyComponent,


Make sure you register your custom components BEFORE initialising @maelstrom-cms/toolkit.

Once you've confirmed your JS is included on the page you can render your component by either creating an include, or directly referencing it via a data-component attribute using the name you defined whilst registering it e.g.

// my-custom-input.blade.php

    // Loads the entry to get saved data from.
    $entry = isset($entry) ? $entry : maelstrom()->getEntry();

    data-component="MyCustomInput" // This binds this input to your component
    id="{{ $name }}_field" // A unique ID for your field, this gets used by the Switch input to toggle visibility.
    data-value="{{ old($name, data_get($entry, $name, ($default ?? null))) }}" // Provides the input value to the component, taking from either the post data, the model, or a default value.
    data-label="{{ $label ?? $name }}" // The label that is displayed on the field.
    data-name="{{ $name }}" // The name that is posted e.g. `$_POST['field_name']`.
    data-help="{{ $help ?? null }}" // Help text to display under the input.
    data-error="{{ $errors->first($name) }}" // Validation message to display.
    data-required="{{ bool_to_string($required ?? false) }}" // Defines if its required.

Use it!

@include('my-custom-input', [
    'name' => 'page_title',
    'label' => 'Page Title',
    'required' => true,

Obviously you can create the inputs however you like, however this example just shows how we've created all the default ones.