
Required props

Property Description
label The text that displays on the heading
name The property that stores the data to pass to the row, this can use dot notation for nested properties e.g.

Optional props

Property Description
type Pass in the name of a column type e.g. BooleanColumn or even a custom column.
sortable Enables the sorting button on the heading e.g. 'sortable' => true.
filters An array of text / value to make the heading filterable - find out more in the filtering docs.
filterMultiple If the filter has multiple options.
align Text alignment of the content.
width Take a guess.
className A custom classname for the column.
fixed If the column should be fixed position e.g. left or right.
searchable If the column should show in the search dropdown.
searchColumn What db column to search when selected.


By default all column types act as text unless a type is specified.

You can turn columns into links, which can be useful for linking to related models etc.

Type: TextLinkColumn


Property Description Example
labelText A static text label for the link Edit Page
labelIndex The property which holds the text value
name Where the link should go category.url
icon If an Icon should display before the text home
newTab If should open in a new tab (defaults to true) false
    'label' => 'Category',
    'type' => 'TextLinkColumn',
    'name' => 'category.url',
    'labelIndex' => '',
    'icon' => 'groups',
    'newTab' => true,

For usability we like to make the entry name a clickable link to take you to the edit page, so we recommend using this as your first column type for the entry name field. e.g.

Type: EditLinkColumn

    'label' => 'Name',
    'type' => 'EditLinkColumn',
    'name' => 'post_name',


When using the video input you can display a small thumbnail and link to it in the listings.

Type: VideoColumn

    'label' => 'Instructional Video',
    'type' => 'VideoColumn',
    'name' => 'video',


When using the image input you can display a small thumbnail and link to it to the full size.

Type: ImageColumn

    'label' => 'Featured Image',
    'type' => 'ImageColumn',
    'name' => 'image',


Often you might want to display an icon to represent something, you can use the entry transformer to provide the name of the icon to display.

Type: IconColumn

    'label' => 'Type',
    'type' => 'IconColumn',
    'name' => 'type_icon',


To display either a tick or a cross based of a boolean you can use the boolean column.

Type: BooleanColumn

Media Manager

The media manager column allows you to display 1 or more thumbnails for some uploaded media, just provide the IDs of the attached media.

Type: MediaManagerColumn

Property Description Example
max_items Maximum assets to show 2
    'label' => 'Photos',
    'type' => 'MediaManagerColumn',
    'name' => 'photo_urls',
    'max_items' => 3,

Custom Columns

Creating columns is fairly straight forward, it only really consists of a javascript file.

You'll need to:

  1. Create your component
  2. Register your component
  3. Use it!

Below is an example...

Create your component

import React from 'react'

export default class MyColumn extends React.Component {

    components(props) {
        // You can access the whole record via `props.record`
        // Explore all the props to see what data you get :)
    render() {
        if (!this.props.text) {
            return <span>-</span>
        // The value provided by `name` gets returned into the `props.text` field.
        return this.props.text

Register your component

Depending on your setup, the below might change - however for example purposes we'll assume you're using Mix.

Firstly you'll need to import your component into the entry file e.g. maelstrom.js

  1. Edit resources/js/maelstrom.js (or what ever your entry file is which runs require('@maelstrom-cms/toolkit');)
  2. Import the component registry
  3. Register your component
import Registry from '@maelstrom-cms/toolkit/js/support/Registry'
import MyCustomColumn from './MyColumn.js'

    MyCustomColumn: MyColumn,


Make sure you register your custom components BEFORE initialising @maelstrom-cms/toolkit.

Once you've confirmed your JS is included on the page you can render your component by including it in your $columns array.

Use it!

@extends('maelstrom::layouts.index', [
    'columns' => [
            'label' => 'Page Title',
            'name' => 'page_title',
            'type' => 'MyCustomColumn', // The name you registered your column as.